Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Day 309 continued
Okay I didn't make it through the day without my heart being twisted 180 degrees. Beck's Mom just walked out on the porch and handed me a book, then turned and went to bed. It's a copy of the King James Bible that I didn't know existed. It was Beck's. It's inscribed, Rebekah Lee King, From: Mom and Dad, 1981. All through it is her handwriting where she was studying and highlighting passages. In the front of the cover, she wrote this : "What God has forgotten, you ought never remember", "It's hard to stumble when you're on your knees", "What are you doing for 'Heaven's' sake?", "An unbeliever won't care how much you know until he knows how much you care", "Crossing the sea doesn't make you a missionary but seeing the cross does", "So many are afraid to ask God to show his will for their lives because they are afraid he will".
I'm going to read from this bible every day, for the Glory of our Lord and in remembrance of the love he gave me here on earth. Love you Babygirl! Forever.