Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day Three

Today was much better than before! Becka slept all night thanks to the medicine. I think she gets more beautiful every day. I had to go to work, and our good friend Fern took her to her radiation treatment. I'm taking her tomorrow because that's the day we meet with the doctor. I don't know how much longer we will have hair. We went and looked at wigs the other day. I talked her in to sticking with her original color. So far so good with her pain and nausea. I still can't concentrate on anything during the day. All I think about is her, and being at home, but I have to work, especially now since she can't. Money is quickly becoming an issue, but it will be fine with a few lifestyle changes, and as soon as we sell one of the kids. (Just kidding). I can't wait to take her somewhere special as soon as she gets well. I know this is a lifelong battle, but for now it's one day at a time. More to come....