Friday, December 9, 2011

Day Five

Today is special. We were blessed by both My Mother and Stepfather, and Becka's Mother and Father. Times are getting tight right now. We've gone from a two income family to a half income family. That will change when I get back to work full time, but for now I'm taking advantage of the fact that I have a fantastic boss that understands I need to be with my wife. I'm not worried about money, because I know that things will change when life returns to normal. I can tell you this. I won't forget the generosity that has come our way, and I will repay it somehow, some way! 

Becka had her radiation this morning. Thanks to Fern for taking her so I could get some hours in. She's in pain this afternoon, so I came home early. She never shows that she's hurting in front of the kids. Her selflessness is astounding. I can't wait for all of this to be over! I'm going to go ahead and buy her some Mickey Mouse ears, because when she's cancer free, we are going to Disney World!!

I'm going to run her to the store so she can get out for a bit. I'll finish this later! Thank you to everyone who is helping us, no matter how big or small. There aren't words to express our gratitude!
Love ya, ,mean it! More to come....