Monday, December 19, 2011

Day Fifteen

Good day so far but exhausting. I worked all day and then some. I'm so blessed to have a job and to work for such an understanding boss. He really is awesome! Everyone commented on my hair today. I just smiled and went about my business. My friends at work know why I shaved it. Everyone else can think I want to look like an eraser!

Beck is doing well tonight, but her head is still sore and hurting and now it's itching. I'm so glad her radiation to her brain is done. Now she just needs to get through two more days of it and she can relax! Thanks so much to Fern for taking her today! We are truly blessed to have great friends! Andrew and I are fixing to walk out the door to Taekwondo. We test Wednesday for our blue belts! I'm off Wednesday and Thursday to take Becka to her appointments, so we can spend some time together. I miss her so much during the day. It's hard to work when all I think about is her. My sweet Angel wife is going through so much. It's amazing how strong she is!

I'll write more later....God Bless!