Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day Eighteen

It feels like Friday. I wish it was. First I have to say thank you to Becka's Brother and family. People are blessing us and we won't forget it. It touches my heart every time anyone reaches out to Becka, because I know that there is a lot of fear involved. I've been in that situation where I knew someone was hurting, and I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing. I am in awe of people's courage. Thank you David and Sue!

Today has been painful for Beck. The port-a-cath is hurting her. I'm grateful for the pain meds, but they make her loopy and she takes as few as possible. I'm trying to get her to take them proactively, but it's up to her. I just shaved the rest of her head down to the skin. I brought the razor and water in the living room and shaved it on the couch. Her head has been itching, and now we can put lotion on it. She said it feels much better now! I can't say enough how proud I am of her. There is no defeat in her. She is going to beat this cancer to a pulp! It will be sorry it ever messed with her.

Hey Satan. I know you love it when God's children suffer, but you lose this time, so up yours!

Becka has to sleep sitting up for now. Please pray that her chest will stop hurting where they put the cath in. I'm going back to work tomorrow. All will be well! I went to the Mall tonight to do some last minute Christmas shopping. (I think I know what Hell is like now). I'm looking forward to Christmas. The whole family will be together, and Becka will get a thousand hugs! They all love her so much. Don't forget, they told me if she ever leaves me, I'm out of the family and she's in! (They weren't kidding).

God Bless everyone! Thanks Mom and Steve and Jim and Pat and David and Sue and Gina and John and Colleen and Todd, and.....I literally could go on and on. If you are reading this, God Bless you and Thank you!

Merry Christmas!