Monday, December 12, 2011

Day Eight

Monday and all is not well, but it will be! I worked all day and it was healthy for me to get back in the swing of things. My wonderful Aunt came and took Becka to treatment. I'm blessed that my family adores her. Becka made a FABULOUS pot of home made vegetable soup, and some friends brought us a huge pan of lasagna for tomorrow. So many people are reaching out, and I can't thank them enough. It really does make a difference, no matter how big or small the gesture. Whether it be a card, food, or a prayer, it all counts the same to me. The true measure of the heart is when someone needs help.

I'm going to taekwondo tonight with Andrew. He and I are testing for our blue belts in a couple of weeks, so we need the practice. Becka's appetite is good and she's sleeping at night. Her mind is sharp and her mood hasn't changed. If she's in any pain she's not showing it to us. I really do have an incredible wife.

I'm still having trouble with my emotions. I can't hold it back sometimes, so I go off to myself. All of that will change when she's cancer free, and she will be. I have no doubt of that. Tonight I'm going to read the book of Job when I get back. When I read about men of faith who lost everything except their faith, it helps me to trust in God that he will restore her in his own time. Thank you everyone for being yourselves. I won't forget it! God Bless, and more to come.......