Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day Seventeen

Becka is officially DONE with radiation!! Today she had her surgery to put her porta-cath in, and they did her radiation while we were there. They gave her a certificate of completion! Everyone who works for her radiologist is wonderful. It takes special people to do their jobs. We go back in a couple of months to get an MRI of her head and see if all of the cancer was killed. I pray with all of my heart it was! I never want her to have to go through this again. They will be starting her Chemo after Christmas. She's feeling good tonight but sore. I predict an early bed time! I'm so glad I'm off tomorrow! I'm taking her to breakfast and then to pick up a few last minute things for Christmas.

It's official. Andrew and I are high (blue) belts in Taekwondo. We both tested today. We have one more class before we get a week off. Tiger Kim's is closing until after the 1st. (They deserve it). It's not really fun anymore. I only go so that Andrew and I can finish what we started, but I SO wish Becka was there every night. I miss seeing her dress up in her dobok. I can't WAIT until she comes back, as well as everyone else there! She came to watch me test tonight and took some pictures, and she got hugged by about fifty people. They all love her and are concerned, but they have seen her fight so they know she is going to win!

Going to call it a night early. God Bless all! Thanks so much for everything!