Friday, December 9, 2011

Day Five continued....

We just got back from Walmart. We bought some groceries and Becka got some exercise. She is so weak from the radiation and medicines. When we got back, she laid down for a few. We are going to my brother's thirtieth birthday party tonight. I pray that she feels good enough to go. I'm developing a resentment in my heart and it grows stronger every day. I know that she hasn't been going through this for very long, but I see what it's doing to her, and I HATE cancer.

 I am SO grateful for the men and women who are researching cancer drugs and treatments, for the pioneers who came before her and laid the foundation for life. This experience has literally changed my entire way of thinking, about everything. The things that were important a month ago don't even exist anymore.

 Becka told me tonight that all she wanted for Christmas was a trip to the beach for her and me. She wants to smell the ocean and feel the sand beneath her feet. I can't wait to take her. As soon as she's able, we are SO there! We are off to the party. More to come......