Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 271

Saturday night and Beck is in bed already. She took two pain pills and laid down. We have been elevating her feet and they came down today, but then they went back up tonight, so I wish we had called the doctor. I will call him in the morning. Beck slept a bunch today. This afternoon, I was in the bedroom getting it ready for her, and she was walking towards the door when I heard her call me. She became extremely dizzy and almost fell. I got to her just as she was going down and picked her back up on her feet long enough to make it to the bed. I caught her trying to sneak out of the bed again last night. She is supposed to wake me up every time before she gets up, but I felt my leg pulling to the side. The tether is a great idea. I'm so glad that tomorrow is Sunday. We are going to breakfast in the morning with her Mom and Dad, then I'm coming back here and sleeping until our friends get here. They are visiting for a while, then driving back home, which takes several hours. 

Today has been an overall good day. We had pizza for supper and I baked some cookies. Beck's Mom and I worked on her lift chair. They bought a cover for it and we put it on, and we cleaned up around the house. I had to run out a couple of times, but other than that it was a lazy afternoon. 

I'm sorry but my mind is so tired that I can't think straight. I should have napped today, but I had too much to do around here. Beck's parents are leaving this coming week and going back to Florida. They need a break and I'm taking off to be with her. I ordered her two lbs of Buttered Popcorn Jelly Beans from Jellybelly. They are her favorite, and the new bag that I ordered for her came in today. It has our last name embroidered on the side of it. Anything that makes her happy right now, I'm doing. 

I kissed my Baby gently tonight when I tucked her in bed, and I told her I loved her as I looked in her eyes. I want her to know every day how I feel about her. I have no idea how much time we have left together, but I'm making it a point to take advantage of every second. She's my Baby, my Angel. Our relationship has changed and it's different, but for better or worse, in sickness and in health, I'll be right here. In time, there is a lot I will share with you about things, but not right now. Right now, I'm going to bed.

Good night and God Bless. If you love someone, don't go to sleep without telling them. You may not get another chance.

Sweet Dreams.