Day eighty nine and things are better than last night thank the Lord. Becka is feeling better even though she can't eat. Nothing tastes good to her. I made pizza baked spaghetti, fixed her a bowl of Raisin Bran, and made milk shakes, but nothing, so I'll fix some eggs in the morning and hope her appetite is back. She's feeling better though. We had a rough time tonight but everything is okay now. I think our nerves got to us and we lashed out at each other. It wasn't bad and didn't last but a second, but I left for a few and went to Harbor Freight so that I wouldn't say anything stupid, or that I would regret. We text our love to each other and I came back home, and now I'm holding her feet and we are watching a movie, "The Hunt For Red October". I love it and she loves Sean Connery. I have to say he's still a beautiful man. I'm secure enough in my masculinity to say that.
Becka just went to bed. Her eyes were too tired to watch this so we will finish tomorrow. I'm going to lay down with her for a bit because I have to pick up Autumn in a little while at the Skating Rink. I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow. We need the rest and the time together. We had a wonderful visit tonight from some fantastic people! They are friends of Becka's parents and have a wonderful ministry. Jim and Sarah Ellsmore have known Becka since she was born. They drove a long way to North Carolina and were headed to West Virginia when they left here. They prayed with Becka and Me and brought us some brownies. I absolutely love with all of my heart people that give so much of themselves and don't expect anything in return. Their rewards are waiting in Heaven!
She's asleep and things are good. Life goes on and I'm going to enjoy every minute I can. I'll feel much better when I get off of these steroids. They are driving me nuts and ruining my sleep, as if I could sleep anyway. We are keeping up the fight and are going to win with your help. God Bless you and thank you for everything. I'll write more tomorrow!