Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 123

It's Friday night and we are watching "24". Beck has never seen it and we are watching from the first episode. Jack Bower is a bad dude! She's been a little sick today but is better tonight. We went shopping at Walmart together and then brought some burgers home for the kids. It's going to be a great Easter! We are going to celebrate the resurrection together as a family. Becka is making several things for Easter dinner. I don't know what they are called, but they are good! I'm making mashed potatoes and we are all getting together at my Mother's house. The family will be glad to see her doing so well. I know I am!

Things are good tonight and every night that I'm with her. We are fixing to go to bed. I have to work all day tomorrow for being out the other day with her at the doctor. God Bless and thanks for everything! Same time tomorrow Good Lord willing! She's feeling good and her tumors are shrinking. God is so good!