Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 120

It's Tuesday and it's the best day I've had in what seems forever! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Becka's Chemotherapy is working! We had an appointment with her Doctor today and he said that the tumor in her lung had shrunk more than half, and he expects the others to have done the same. The only concern he has is that her Lymph Nodes are swollen, so he is ordering a PET scan, but lymph nodes swell for any number of reasons. The important thing is that the Chemotherapy and the radiation has shrunk and is killing the tumors! We are overjoyed at this news. God is truly good, he really is! He answers prayer as well, and I've told him over and over from my knees that if he would heal her, I would give him all the glory, so here it is! She is on the road to remission by all counts. We walked in the office today with fear and desperation, and we skipped out! I'm not putting the cart before the horse when I say that we are making plans for the future. Becka's brother David bought us breakfast and she ate bacon and pineapple! I think that there are many things she will be enjoying more now that hope has been restored.

I have to get back to work, but I just wanted to share our joy with all of you! Thank you so much for your words, actions, and prayers! God Bless you all, and I'll write some more tonight when I get back from picking up the kids!