Thursday night and I had a very good day! Here is my version of a good day with the present circumstances. I started out this morning looking for Becka a "Lift Chair". A lift chair is exactly what it sounds like. It's a recliner that lifts you to standing position. I started out calling the insurance companies. We have United Healthcare through Becka's work, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina through mine. After fifteen calls, neither of them would pay for the chair. The cheapest one I could find was seven hundred and fifty dollars, so I was sitting here racking my brain, when I thought, "I'll try Craigslist". There were about five on Craigslist and I started calling. I got in touch with a lady in a town close by who had one for sale and she was asking $175.00. I called her and said that I wanted to come look at it after work, then I went and worked with two of my Supervisors for a while. After work I met her and the chair is an older one but it works great. I told her I would give her a hundred and she accepted, so we loaded it up and I brought it home. It is exactly what Becka needed. She loves it! As a matter of fact, after I gave her a shower, lotion, and PJ's, she fell asleep in it, but she can stand right up now no problem! We went to Walmart and bought a cover for it. It was nice to get her out of the house, although she took out an entire rack of Bissel vacuum cleaners with the motorized mart cart she was riding. She thought it was funny, so it's all good! There were vacuum cleaners laying everywhere! One lady was determined to play "chicken" with Becka on her cart. The woman lost.
After we left Walmart, we went by Lowes, or as I call it, "Heaven on Earth", and I bought something cool. It's a stand that goes under the toilet seat and it comes up to give you two handles to hold on to on the toilet. I installed it and I bought a bar and put it on the wall next to the toilet to pull up with. In other words, I'm handicapping the house. We moved the couches around to put her seat in the living room. I can't tell you how much she loves it, or how happy it makes her to be independent again. I feel really good about today. My Baby is happy, asleep, and snug as a bug. I put her to bed and prayed with her. We thanked God for today, and asked him for another one. It's all in his hands. Time means so much to me now. Every second with Becka is an eternity for me. Sometimes I lay there and just stare at her. I try not to think about anything except the fact that the most beautiful woman in the world is laying next to me. If my mind wanders, I know it because my chest gets heavy and my heart starts to burn. Everyone has experienced heartache in this world of one form or another, but I've never felt grief that made everything in my body hurt and stopped me from breathing, until now. It has taught me that there is true love in this world, but it comes with a price, one of which I only intend to pay once in my life.
I'm going to listen to her breath for a while and pray. God is good, and he made today great. One more side note, I said that the chair cost a hundred. When we got home tonight and checked the mail, a friend of Becka's from Tennessee has sent us a check for a hundred. There are no coincidences!
God Bless and sweet dreams. If you love someone, please make sure and tell them, and by the way, I love all of you!