Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 204

Tuesday night and I'm headed for bed. I'm pooped. Andrew and I have been training pretty hard for taekwondo testing tomorrow. We will be red belts! I've been training with my good friend Lee who has thrown me to the floor about a hundred times in the last two days. It's okay though because I got to throw him down as well! He's a fabulous, wonderful friend of ours. The kind of guy who has no enemies. I'll never be able to say that, that's for sure. I remember years ago that I had hurt a friend of mine, so I went to try and make it right. I asked him if there was anything I could do for him, and he said, "Yes, you can die". I got the message.

Becka isn't doing much better. Whatever is wrong with her back is worse than we thought. She goes to the doctor in the morning to have an MRI of her head, and then she's going to have her back checked. I just ran in the house to turn up the bed heater. She's on the couch watching "America's Got Talent". By the looks of this years show, America doesn't have talent, but what am I, a critic?

I'm very tired so I'm going to bed. I'll update tomorrow on how Beck is doing. She's my heart and I wish I could take her pain away, but until then. I'm going to keep praying and doing what I've been doing.

Good night and God Bless