Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 268

It's Wednesday night. I just woke from a nap, and I keep nodding off, so I'm going back to bed very soon. I thought I was going to just lose consciousness today, but God gave me strength. After getting up with Beck all night, I finally got back to sleep about three O'clock in the morning, then my phone rang at four. It was my ex wife telling me that they had taken my son by ambulance to the Hospital, but she didn't know what for. She lives three hours away, and my son lives with a room mate here across town. I threw some clothes on and shot over to the hospital to find him in the ER very sick and in a lot of pain. They had already done a CT scan before I got there, and they found a large kidney stone. Now I know that we as men will never truly know the pain of child birth, but trust me, I've had a kidney stone, and at some point during the passing of one, you pray for death. I remember clutching the toilet, screaming and praying at the same time, expecting Mt Everest to land in the water, so I know he was hurting. The doctors want him to try and pass it, so they sent him home this morning about eight. I took him by Sonic to get him something to drink because he was so dehydrated and nauseous, then we went by CVS to pick up his prescriptions, and I brought him here. Beck said he laid on the couch all day in pain and throwing up, but got better this evening, so he went home. Please keep him in your prayers. I told him that kidney stones are like problems in life, and just remember, "this too shall pass". 

Beck has had a good day. She's very tired tonight and we aren't going to be up long. She's still in pain but it's manageable. I have to work tomorrow, but in a few days, I'm going to take a couple of weeks off and stay with her during the day. I need to be here, and I could get more rest if I were here because she and I could take naps. If I keep going at this rate, I will crash and burn. I just got some fantastic news. It seems that two dear friends who I love with all of my heart may be coming to see us this weekend. I pray it happens! I won't say who they are until they get here, but these are two people who I trust with my life and I adore, and Beck feels the same way. One of them hasn't seen her since she got sick, so it will be a blessing if it happens. 

My eyes are crossing and I'm about to fall over, so I will write more tomorrow. God is definitely watching over us. All of the fear is still here, but he makes it alright sometimes. I'll take what I can get. I'm going to go warm up the bed and fix the covers for her. I know she wants to lay down soon. 

God Bless and good night! Sweet dreams!