Saturday night and I just saw something incredible. A man with no legs is racing in the Olympics. No legs - racing- Olympics. Unreal! What an inspiration. This has been an "On and Off" day. Laura and Hanna got here safely! Their hotel is the pits though. You would think that the Marriott would be a great place to stay, but they are renovating this one. I told her to get her money back and she's going to try. They came over for a bit, then we took Autumn and Beck to the eye doctor to pick up their contacts. We got back and Becka wasn't doing well. She went straight to bed. Her voice has been off all day and she was hot to the touch. She and I were up all night last night, so she's probably worn out. I'm past worn out. Every time I close my eyes I start dreaming and go to "La La" land, so we aren't far from bed. She took a good nap though. We are getting up early in the morning to see Debbie off, then go eat breakfast with Laura. I am going to miss Debbie, but I won't go in to it or I will get emotional like I did with Ruth. I know they have to go back, but I just wish there was a way they both could stay here for a while anyway.
I can't concentrate because I'm so tired, so I'm going to cut this a little short. Becka is doing better. She had supper and now she's on the couch. She looks fantastic through the back door. I'm praying that she will sleep all night. Today was a difficult, emotional day. Tomorrow has to be better.
Sweet Dreams and God Bless!