It's Tuesday night and we are winding down for the evening. I'm fixing to put Beck to bed then go myself. It's been a good day all around. I worked all day, then came home and we had supper. Ruth and Becka's Mom cooked a fantastic meal. They cooked a pork roast in the crock pot that was fabulous, and made some cole slaw and squash casserole. After supper, I took the kids to Andrew's open house and met his teachers. I had planned to go to Taekwondo tonight, but we took too long at the school and I'm exhausted. I can barely hold my eyes open writing this.
I had lunch with JC today, and we are going out to eat Saturday with him and his wife. We are going to Olive Garden and Beck is looking forward to it.
I'm sorry but my head is still impacted from the sinus infection, so I have to go to bed. All is well tonight, and we are grateful for another day. Praying for another one! I'm working all this week, then Ruth is going home this weekend and I'm taking off permanently at that point. I know that God will provide for us, so I'm not worried about it. He is in charge!
Good night and God Bless!