Superbowl Sunday! We just had supper and we are watching the game. So far so good. I'm pulling for the Giants. I haven't liked the Patriots since they got caught cheating, but I'm sure they all do, except for the Redskins that is. Becka is feeling better tonight, even though she hasn't eaten. She has lost almost forty pounds since she started treatments. I'm grateful for the meal replacements that GNC has to offer. Basically everything tastes horrible to her. The chemotherapy has taken away her appetite and affected her sense of taste to the extreme. We keep trying different things hoping that something will taste good to her.
Today has been a good day. I got a lot accomplished. I washed, dried, and put away four loads of clothes. I stripped our bed and washed the sheets and comforter, then I remade the bed, cleaned up our bedroom, cleaned up the driveway and walkway, put freon in Debbie's car airconditioner and replaced her wiper blades, went to the bank, and cooked pancakes for breakfast. I love it when I look back at the day and it was productive. I still need to iron my work shirts, but I'll do that at halftime.
My heart feels so much better, because Beck is feeling better tonight. We had an emotional time this afternoon when we were alone, but she knows that she's going to beat this. There is no doubt in her mind. There are so many things we need to do together. I'm going to spend more time in silent prayer every night, and a lot more time in God's word. How am I supposed to know what God wants for me if I don't read the instruction manual. I watched some videos today from several people on youtube. They were all testimonies and the names of the videos are "I Am Second". The one that touched me the most was from Scott Hamilton. He recovered from cancer several times, and he gives all credit to God. I give God every bit of credit for everything good that has happened in my life, and I will give him the credit when he heals Becka, because the Doctors wouldn't have the knowledge or the medicine to cure her cancer if God didn't give it to them. God is either everything or he's nothing. Jesus Christ was either God as a man, the Messiah, the savior, or he was a lying lunatic. I believe God is everything, and Christ is Savior and Lord.
Well it's back to the game! God be with you all! Thanks for the prayers. Please keep praying for Becka!