Today has been a good day but this diet is horrid! I keep telling myself that I want to lose weight more than I want to eat. In my experience, the first two weeks of a diet are the worst, but after that it's a breeze. I'm going to lose thirty pounds no matter what. I want to be in better shape and I know from experience that I feel better at 180 lbs. My clothes fit better, I'm faster, I have more wind, and I feel better overall. The goal is to keep my saturated fat content below 30 grams per day, then after a week, I'll cut it down to twenty. The weight will fall off of me. The older I get though, the harder it is to lose weight. I think it's because age makes cookies taste better!
I just got back from Taekwondo. My legs feel like rubber so I'm not going tomorrow night. My body needs to heal before sparring class Thursday. Becka is feeling good considering she had Chemotherapy today. It didn't take long at all this time. Her Mom went with her so that I could go straight to work. I had planned to go with them but I got called in on an emergency. She said it went well. They give her all of her medicine through her Port-a-cath in her chest. They also draw blood from there so that her arms don't get sore. It really was a good idea to have it put in. Otherwise, she would be like a pin cushion.
I realized tonight that I have a resentment and I need to pray for someone. I've learned that whenever I'm resentful towards someone, that means there is something wrong with me, no matter how they may act. I'm going to try praying for him every day for thirty days.
My beautiful wife didn't take a nap today so that she may sleep all night, so we are calling it a night. God Bless all! Please pray she keeps feeling as good as she does.