Ask and ye shall receive. Everything that could have gone right today did! We had a rough night so we slept in this morning, but so far so good! Becka has been up all day and has been eating. Her Mom and Dad took us out to dinner. We had a fantastic steak at Lone Star and we brought some home for tomorrow. The weather has been beautiful as well. The fact that she feels good just goes to show that God is truly good. I'm sure that an early bed time is in the future. It helps me so much for Becka's Mother and Father to be here, just as it did when her sisters were here, and I don't mean with the housekeeping and cooking, even though they all are incredible with that. I mean it's such a calming and warming feeling for me to have them here. It's like going in to a fight with back up instead of alone. Becka has so much support from her friends to prayer warriors that don't even know her. I think that people who pray for others that they don't know will receive blessings for their faith. At least I hope they will!
I'm grateful for good days like this. Life has slowed to a turtle's pace and I am glad. It allows me to look around and see the good in everyone and everything. I used to look at all of the bad and I would point it out because to do so gave me a sense of superiority. "At least I'm not as bad as he is" what I would say. Now I try to find the good in every person and situation. It's hard to do but with Becka on my mind all of the time, it puts me in a different mentality than I've ever been before, and I want to be pleasing to God. I don't argue as much as I used to either. It all comes down to, "Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy"?
I just put Beck to bed. I warmed up the bed and pillow with the hair dryer first. It makes me wonder if I could invent a new type of bed warmer. Maybe you'll see me on TV. Becka has had a full day but she's sacked out. We received a blessing today that is incredible. The ones who blessed us want to remain anonymous, but they know what I'm talking about, and I can't say thank you enough. You are truly a blessing to everyone who knows you!
I'm going to watch the race for a few then go to bed. Good night and God Bless everyone!