Thursday night and all is better! Becka has felt somewhat better today, although her best day is worse than most people's worst day these days. She's eating Thank the Lord, but she's still coughing and spending a lot of time in bed. I guess it is what it is, and if this saves her life then it's all worth it. God Bless the men and women who go to work every day and try to find a cure for cancer. Some scientists devote their entire lives to it. I'm praying for their happiness and success in their work!
I crushed my left thumb underneath a six hundred pound compressor today. I made a stupid mistake and I paid for it. The bad part was that I was alone at the time and I couldn't quite reach the crow bar to free myself. My thumb is flat and black but I think it will be okay. I didn't go to the doctor because I've broken fingers before and I know that all they would do is tape it up, and I can do that. I called and told my boss just in case I wake up in the morning and it falls off or something. Then I will take it with me to the hospital. Otherwise, it's going to be sore for a very long time.
I've got our washing machine in fifty different parts in our living room. I finally got to the main bearing and it is shot. I'm pretty sure I can fix it! I'll call about a bearing in the morning. That will be a lot cheaper than a washing machine! I'm soaking it in penetrating oil tonight and tomorrow I'll try to get it off again. I may have to drill it but I'm going to try the easy way first.
Becka is laying down and I'm taking Andrew to Taekwondo class. Be back in a bit and I'll finish up!
Back and I guess Beck is in bed for the night. She just feels lousy. I'm not going to mention my thumb anymore, unless I roll over on it in my sleep and I start crying again. Becka's Mom made some great vegetable soup for supper. It will be even better tomorrow. Becka actually ate some of it. I pray that she can keep it down. She has lost so much weight and she needs the vitamins and minerals. I'm looking down the road to when she feels good again. It's not a long road, but it's bumpy and has obstacles in it. We put our faith in God and prayer to get us to the end. Our strength comes from him working through all of you. God Bless and thank you!
Calling it a night! Same time same place tomorrow!