Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day Ninety Seven

It's Saturday and things are much better! I think that the antibiotics are kicking in and knocking out the sinus infection because Becka hasn't had a headache today! She's still sick but the throbbing is gone, so I got her out of the house today. We went to a yard sale, then to Lowes and Walmart. She has one more pill for tomorrow, but the doctor said that the antibiotics work for a week after she stops taking them. Tuesday she has Chemotherapy again. We are counting the days until her scan. I thought it was this Tuesday but I was wrong. Her MRI of her brain is on the 26th of this month, but they haven't scheduled the scan of her body.

Thank the Lord she's feeling better though. Walking today will help, and I'm going to get her out of the house tomorrow as well. Her Sister Ruth and her husband Jeff are here! Ruth is staying for three weeks and Jeff is going back home in the morning. I wish he would stay for personal reasons. We need more testosterone in the house...(doing the Tim Taylor Grunt).

I have to go back to work, so this is going to be short tonight. God Bless you all and thank you for your prayers. They are working because she is feeling better! I know it's just one day, but we will take it. I'll try to write some more tonight, but if not, same time tomorrow!