Hey everyone! It's Thursday night and things are much better in the Patton household. I finally got a great night's sleep and Becka is feeling better. She hasn't thrown up anymore and she got out of the house today! The sun made her feel better I think. I fixed her a half of a peanut butter sandwich for supper and she kept it down. So far so good, and I'm feeling much better, although I'm exhausted and fixing to go to bed. I go to the doctor tomorrow to be poked and prodded. I also made a dentist appointment for me and the kids. I have to get a tooth cut out that broke off even with my gum line, and the kids need check ups and cleanings.
My wife is smiling at me through the back door. That's always a great thing when she smiles these days. This seems like such a long journey, and she's struggled through it all, but she is going to come out the other side and be well.
I'm so tired I can barely sit here and write. The last few months have come crashing down on me these past few days and my body is finally shutting down to rest. I'm not going to have any trouble sleeping tonight, but I am worried about falling over while carrying my computer hack in the house. (I'm on the back porch). Becka has her scan Tuesday and we will know a lot more. So much depends on that day.
God be with you always! I'll write more tomorrow when I can think straight. Good night and be blessed!