It's Thursday night and I'm beat. I think every muscle hurts but it's a good hurt. Andrew and I have been training pretty hard and one of our instructors is fixing to be a Master. Needless to say he's an incredible teacher and a superb athlete, and a great guy all around. He's been pushing us harder than usual and I need it, but I also need to back off now because I don't want to get hurt. I need to let my forty four year old muscles heal and not try to "hang" with a bunch of young people because it's not going to happen.
Becka is a little better but every time she stands up her head starts hurting from the sinus infection. I pray that the antibiotics kick it out of her in the next day or so. I heard on the news where the ragweed and pollen is already unbearable for people with allergies. That would explain why she feels so lousy, plus she's still not really eating anything. She ate a couple of bites of barbeque tonight that my mother and stepfather bought for us. Her appetite is non existent because nothing tastes good to her except for the jerky I made, so I'll make sure and have plenty on hand. We are counting down to Tuesday. That's when she has her scan and we find out how well the Chemo is doing.
Tonight is a new game plan by the way, and from here on out it will be too. I talked to a friend of mine today that works with me. He is one of the men who led me to Christ. I remember like it was yesterday that I saw him at a Refrigeration supply house one day. I was with my father, and at the time I was lost in sin. My friend Dean told me that I needed Jesus Christ. This was after I told a horrible joke to everyone in the room. I laughed and shrugged it off. I was always intimidated by Christians who would publicly talk about Jesus. That was because I was running with Satan and he owned me at the time, and the devil runs from the name of the Savior. That was twenty years ago or more, but Dean didn't give up on me. I went with him to church one Sunday because my life had all but ended. I was completely empty inside and really just wanted to die, but I remember him taking me to the alter and people praying for me, and I knew at that moment that I would never be the same again. I believed right then in Jesus, and I've believed ever since, so I guess you could say that I owe him my life, and I've told him that several times. Dean asked me today if I had taken authority over Becka's cancer yet and ordered it to be out of her. I knew immediately what he was talking about, but I've been so wrapped up in fear and sorrow that I forgot to do what the Bible says to do.
Christ paid the price for sin on the cross, and when he said "It is finished", he meant it. He told the disciples to go in to all of the nations, preach the gospel, and heal the sick. He didn't say to pray for healing, he said to HEAL them. I am not saying that I have the power to heal. What I am saying is that God DOES, and I'm doing what he said to do from now on. Tonight I held Becka and commanded the cancer to be out of her in the name of Jesus Christ, and it shall be done.
Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 2 And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
We are all his disciples. I know that they were twelve special men, but if I truly believe that God can and will heal Becka, and I do, then I am taking authority over my house and kicking cancer out of it in the name of Jesus Christ. It's that simple. God is either everything or he's nothing. Jesus is either the savior, or he's the biggest nutcase, lying magician in the history of the planet. I believe he is the Messiah, and I believe in the power of God. I happen to be one of his miracles, and Becka is too, she just doesn't know it yet. When the scans come back, the cancer will be all but gone. I can promise you that, and tonight I feel better than I have since the start. I would love to hear your honest opinions on this if you want to post them. Don't hold anything back, and please, please, please keep praying!
Five O'clock comes early so I'm going to bed. God Bless every last one of you. Same time tomorrow!