It's Friday afternoon and I'm sitting here with my Angel, watching them pump six bags of stuff in to her. They started out with benedryl and some anti nausea medicine, then they went to the Chemotherapy. She's taking three different kinds of Chemo and this is going to take about six hours. They are giving her Carboplatin, which is a type of Chemo that is an alkylating agent. It is used to treat lung, breast, ovarian, head and neck, endometrial, esophageal, bladder, cervical, or central nervous system cancers. Sounds like quite a drug. It's also used as a preparation for stem cell or bone marrow transplants. Carboplatin works by damaging the RNA or DNA that tells cells how to copy each other. Normal cells in the body stop dividing when they come in contact with other cells. Cancerous cells lose the ability to stop dividing and continue to grow. The drug Carboplatin causes the tumor to shrink by inducing "Cell Suicide".
The next drug is called Taxol. It is a chemotherapy drug classified as a "plant alkaloid", and it is an antimicotubule agent. It is used to treat breast, ovarian, lung, bladder, prostate, melanoma, and espohageal cancers. Taxol works the same way as Carboplatin by stopping cell division.
Then finally she's getting Aredia. Aredia is a support medication given to treat the symptoms of cancer such as hypercalcemia, or to decrease complications such as fractures or pain produced by bone metastis. Aredia is a bisphosphonate medication used to slow down the cancer from eating away at the bone.
I'm reading as much as I can about my Baby's illness so that I can help as much as possible. I'm so grateful to the super intelligent men and women who came up with these treatments so that she can recover. God Bless them and their work! Ruth and I are switching off with her because only one of us at a time can sit back here with her in the treatment area. Ruth and I just got back a bit ago from a restaurant called "Goody's". We brought Becka a baked potato and some fried mushrooms! I had a philly, and Ruth had a potato as well with some onion rings. Goody's has some Excellent food, so I highly recommend them! Becka is dozing right now which is a good thing. We brought her little DVD player and one of her favorite movies, "The God's Must Be Crazy", and we brought her Kindle, her Ipod, and her computer, so she's all set! I'm going to take a break and run to the house so I'll write more later. God Bless!
It's night time and Becka is doing great considering! She's drowsy but okay! The Chemotherapy is going to work perfectly and destroy the cancer for good, I have no doubt. If she was going to have any bad side effects, she would have already, we hope anyway. Tonight and tomorrow will tell the tale. We all came back to the house and had dinner, then Andrew and I went to Taekwondo. Ruth has been cooking and cleaning every night, so we have been eating like kings! Tomorrow I'm going to cook a lasagna when I get home from work. I'm going to take off a little early, or depending on how Becka is feeling I may take the day off. Autumn says my lasagna is the best in the world, (but she's never had anyone else's, lol). Actually that's not true. We did have lasagna that someone else cooked for us, but Autumn says mine is better. (The secret what I put in the sauce and how much cheese I strategically place in it). I want Ruth to be able to relax for one day, but I know she won't. If I cook supper she'll be doing something else. I dread this weekend. I know she needs to be with her family, but I so wish she could be here when her sister and mother are coming. I know they are coming to help Becka too, but they've got some big shoes to fill!
I'm calling it a night. God Bless to you all, I really mean that! One day we will be without pain, sorrow, or disease, and be in the presence of the Lord. I can only imagine.
Night Night