It's Sunday night and Debbie is here! I'm so glad and Becka is too. Today has been a better day I think. I got Becka out of the house and we went grocery shopping. We saved a bunch of money with coupons! Then I dropped her back off at the house and I went to Wally World, AKA Hades. Walmart is not a good place for me. It turns me in to the "Evil Randy". The isles are JUST big enough for two carts to pass each other, so the soup isle is NOT a good place to stop and discuss how your wart is doing. MOVE TO THE SIDE. Okay enough ranting about Walmart, because I could go on and on.
I'm still not feeling well at all. All of my energy is gone so I'm going to bed in about five minutes. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow if I can get in. I'm pretty sure I can. I'm going to see about some new medicine, possibly an anti-depressant. I've been on one before, and I feel like it couldn't hurt right now because I'm still kind of floating around and I want to be as much of an asset to Becka as I can be. She has had a better day and I'm praying that it keeps going that way. Her energy level needs to be up and her pain level down. I SO want my wife to be happy again, and she will be. Good things are worth waiting for, and times like this have made me grateful for everything good that happens. Things I used to take for granted.
Not feeling good so I'm going to bed. Night all and God Bless. Will write more tomorrow.