Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 286

Sunday night and Beck and I just split a chocolate chip cookie brownie. I made them after supper for the first time. I made a pan of brownies and spooned chocolate chip cookie dough in to it. I must say, they are fantastic. Today has been a long but good day, with the exception of a couple of times. We woke pretty early. Beck woke me about five and needed me to get up with her and help her, so we stayed up for a while. I fixed her some breakfast and gave her the morning steroid and fluid pill, then we went back to bed for about an hour. Beck stayed in bed a little while longer, then I helped her to her chair and fixed her something else to eat. Her appetite is still very good because of the steroids. Her right foot has gone down, but her left is still swollen. She went back to bed and she slept the better part of the day. She was doing good until one time I was helping her to the bedroom, and she stopped and had another small seizure. I sat her down on the couch and waited it out, then I got her back up and we took baby steps to the bed. I had stripped it down to wash the sheets, but she didn't care. It takes everything out of her to get there, so when she lays down, it feels awesome to her. She has to fight so hard to walk these days, and it has become painful. Her body is hurting, so I take it very easy and we go slow. I gave her a shower this morning and then I took one and shaved. I worked on the house most of the day and watched the Redskin game. My birthday present from Beck and the kids was a year subscription to all of the Redskin games. I can watch them on my computer if they don't show them on TV. 

Beck's parents got here tonight! I cooked a chicken in the crock pot for supper so they ate when they got here. I'm so glad they are back. My heart is at ease now and it's so comforting to know that they are here. I'm sure they are glad to be back as well. My boss called me and I need to go to work for a couple of hours this week, and I can if they are here to take care of her. It all depends on how she is feeling. I told her I wouldn't leave her, and if she doesn't want me to leave, then I won't. Beck's parents help in any way they are needed. They have devoted their entire lives to serving God, and one thing I'm looking forward to is our bible study. I've missed that terribly since they have been gone, and Beck's Dad is a wonderful teacher of the Word. 

Beck is wanting to go to bed, so I'm going to tuck her in and go myself. Everyone has been so wonderful. Beck's Sister Ruth changed the paypal account to make it easier for people who want to donate. She's a genius at setting up webpages and such. I'm so grateful to everyone who has given and sacrificed so that I can stay home with Beck. I really do need to be here, and right now I'm not making any money, but through God and his children, we are just fine. The lights are still on and we haven't had to sell a kid, yet. I haven't found that category on Craigslist. Beck is doing as well as can be expected. She's sleeping all of the time now. I wake her up to eat and do other things, but then she goes back to bed. I know this will get worse before it gets better, but I'm glad she's not in pain. The doctors are taking care of that. 

I'm going to tend to her and get ready for bed myself. Sweet Dreams and God Bless.