Tuesday night and I just finished cleaning the bathroom. We are having some family over tomorrow night and I want to be able to let them use it without asking if they have had a tetanus shot. Today has been a good day. Autumn stayed home today sick. She has the sinus stuff now. I pray that Beck doesn't catch it. I went to get us some breakfast this morning, and she went back to bed right after she ate. She was alert this morning, but things quickly changed. I made up the couch with sheets and pillows and brought her in to the living room today. She was comfortable all afternoon there. I ran and got us some chicken and cole slaw for lunch because she loves slaw, and she ate several times, but immediately went back to sleep. She's sleeping about sixteen out of the twenty four hours of the day now. I made a decision to wake her up today and walked her out on the back porch. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and she had a good time outside. I tried to get her to walk out front, but she was too afraid that her legs would give out, so it was probably not a good idea. I loved having her outside. We sat together and watched the dogs play for about twenty minutes, then I walked her back to the couch and she went to sleep as soon as she laid down. I've noticed that I need to make decisions for her now. When she woke up this afternoon, she gazed at the ceiling until I said her name, then I asked her if she was hungry, and it took a minute for her to think, but she said yes. That was when I said that she needed to eat. I don't know if this makes sense, but she couldn't seem to put together that she needed to eat if she was hungry. That is the kind of decision I am talking about making for her.
I'm so glad that I'm here. There is no way I could work right now. I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I don't need to leave the house except for a couple of minutes at a time. She can't walk at all now without me, and she's so tender and sensitive all over that I have to barely touch her when I move her legs on and off the bed. I made her a big salad tonight for supper. She loves salad and I put everything but the kitchen sink in it. I gave her the nightly meds and she went to bed about an hour ago. I'll be up for a bit doing laundry and getting ready for tomorrow, plus I don't sleep very well because I sit up and watch her at night. I'll take a couple of naps tomorrow while she is asleep. Besides, Rocky III is on. I can't go to sleep until it goes off. All of the guys out there understand.
I pray with all of my heart that she doesn't get any worse as far as memory. If she didn't know where she was or who I am, it would destroy me. We had a good day together, especially outside, even though it didn't last long. It doesn't matter if it's seconds, I'll take it. It was almost as if life was back to normal for a little while. I thank God for it.
I'm going to lay with her for a bit, then get some things done. Thank you for all of your support. You never cease to amaze me! My boss called me today and told me that I qualified for an energy bonus at work this quarter. That will help tremendously, and some friends of ours helped us last night as well. One day, I will repay your kindness. It's because of all of you that I can be here to take care of her. Thank you!
Sweet Dreams and God Bless.