It's Thursday night and it's been a very good day. Becka is doing great! She went with Gina and Ruth today to get her nails done and they look fantastic. She said she laughed the entire time the pedicurist was scrubbing her feet because it tickled! The little things that make her happy thrill me to the bone. I'm in the bedroom watching "Hannity" while they are in the living room laughing at the show "Wipe Out". It's one of Becka's favorites. She also loves the show "The Amazing Race". The new season for that is starting soon.
My toe is better! It's not black anymore. It's more like dark blue, and I can actually bend it! It will be fine in about a week. I took Andrew to taekwondo tonight and I stayed and watched. He is learning how to throw a spinning back kick, and he's very good at it. I'm learning it as well. He and I made a pact to get our black belts together, and that's exactly what we are going to do. He loves his masters, and they love him. He is trying out for the demo team in January, and he shouldn't have any problem making the team. He's a natural! I told the school they need to start a geriatric team so I can join! We can do our form with our canes!
Today was a good day and tonight is a good night, that is all that matters. All we have is today, and we are making the most of it. My Baby is happy today. Everything else is secondary! We have new friends, Dwayne and Lesley Isaacs. They are a wonderful Christian couple who have set up fundraising for Becka. I had to mention them because they are working so hard for someone they have never met, and I've only met them one time. You can always tell God's people, because ultimately, they are working for him. Thank you Dwayne and Lesley, from the bottom of my heart, and thank you to all of the rest of you. I really mean it, and one day I pray that I can be there for you!
God Bless and goodnight! Sweet dreams, and please, if you love someone, be sure and tell them tonight. Don't wait until tomorrow!