It's Thursday night and it's time to fight! Becka saw another doctor today, one of the best brain cancer doctors in the state by the way, and he recommended starting her on another type of chemo. Any new suggestion is a good one at this point. We are grateful to God for the options he is giving us. We are also trying to get her in to a treatment facility in the Caribbean. We can cash in her life insurance for half it's face value, and I can cash in my 401K if needed, or at least take out a loan on it. It doesn't matter, as long as it works! We will sell everything and start completely over if it gives her one more day.
I'm doing as many side jobs as possible. Everyone is helping out, and we are so very grateful! I was on the phone for a long time today with the doctor in the Caribbean. He explained his treatment methods. Here is the problem that we have faced all along. Becka's cancer started in her lungs, then spread to her hip and her brain. She underwent radiation for the brain cancer, then chemotherapy for the cancer in her body. The reason they can't treat brain cancer with chemo is because of what's called he "Blood Brain Barrier", which is a wall of blood vessels that surround the brain and protect it from intruders like Chemo, so the Chemo never gets to the brain. That's why they use radiation. The doctor in the Caribbean administers Chemo through the mouth, and he says he's had good results with treating brain cancer. At this point we are willing to try anything. There will be no regrets. I'm not going to look back in five years and say, "What if". All of our bases will be covered, and I don't care what it costs. I have a kidney for sale if anyone is interested! It looks like we will be having several yard sales!
All that matters to me is for her to be okay. It's been that way since I met her. I've never wanted to be anything else except for her husband. She is my one and only desire, and the love of my life. If there is anything that can be done to fix her, we will try it. Then, if she doesn't make it and she goes to Heaven, ONLY then can we say that it is God's will, so we have to try.
There are so many people coming in this weekend! I can't wait to see them all. Friends and family from all over will be here, and I say "the more the merrier"! Becka needs the support, and so do Ruth and me, so come on down to North Carolina, and please be careful! I will pray for your safety right now!
I'm going to bed. Good night and God Bless! Love you all, mean it!