It's Sunday night and I can say with all sincerity that today has been a much better day than yesterday. We spent the day together, a large portion of it was outside because it was so beautiful today. We soaked up the sun and listened to our IPODs. She told me later that I was singing loud enough for the neighborhood to hear, which isn't good because I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Autumn and I ran to the store, then we all had sandwiches for supper. I surprised Andrew with a strawberry topped cheese cake, (his favorite). I guess it's all for him. I'm determined to lose some weight before the Taekwondo tournament next month. Tonight after I finished doing laundry, I ran on the treadmill. I have a suit from Gold's Gym that is made of plastic and it traps the heat while I am working out. After I ran on the treadmill, I went around the block a few times, then practiced my form in the backyard, and when I came in and took the suit off, about a gallon of sweat poured out. Autumn doesn't like me very much right now, because I was trying to take off the shirt and I slung sweat all over her while she was sitting on the couch. Oddly enough, Andrew and I were the only ones who thought that was funny. So now I'm sitting on the back porch, squeaky clean, and I'm going to bed soon. Becka and I really did have a great day together, with the exception of her side hurting worse. She has had to take pain meds for the last couple of days. I pray that it's a good pain, but it's in the same spot where her major lung tumor is. Maybe it's dying and that's why it's hurting! Please continue to pray for healing. We should get results back tomorrow. Either way, we are calling the doctor in the morning.
Tomorrow is a new week and I'm gearing up for it. I'm going in early in the morning so I can get off a little early. I'm so grateful for my life. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm going to try and treasure every minute of it. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow about the attacks I've been having. I actually just had one while writing this, but it wasn't as bad as they can be. I'm also going to see about maybe an anti depressant for now. I hate taking pills anymore, and I feel like I don't need to medicate my feelings, but I need some balance. Maybe losing this weight will help me. I know that when we get her results back, that will help immensely. It's the "unknown" that causes so much fear. I'm putting it in God's hands, but it's in my nature to see what he is holding!
God Bless and sweet dreams. Hopefully I will have some good news tomorrow!