Tuesday night and I'm feeling a thousand percent better! It's been a very good day. I stayed home all day with Becka and worked on the house, then cooked a big pan of lasagna. We are watching the second season of "24" on Netflix. She is feeling great and has eaten all day. This morning I went and got us a biscuit from Bojangles, then we had lasagna for lunch and supper. Everything is wonderful today. My little dog hurt his foot playing with our other dog. I can't tell you how much I love this dog and he loves me. Yesterday he couldn't put any weight on it hardly, so Becka took care of him and I was planning on taking him to the vet, but he started walking on it and is fine now. He just jumped up on the picnic table I'm typing on to give me a kiss, so I know he's going to be fine.
I got my results back from the doctor today and everything was okay! All of my labs were in the normal range, so praise God! I've been on antibiotics for a couple of weeks now, so whatever I had probably got knocked out by them. My candidate for president bowed out today. Rick Santorum suspended his candidacy, so now it's all aboard the Mitt Romney train. Is he my first choice? Absolutely not, but I think he is eminently qualified to be President and will do a fine job digging us out of this hole. I know he is a man of conviction and faith, so I'm throwing all of my support behind him. Guess I'll get me a "Romney 2012" bumper sticker. Can you believe I lost a friend today over the election? It was her choice, so I'll pray for her and wish her well. It hurt Becka's feelings a lot worse than mine, but I guess some people don't take that in to account. With every action there are consequences. I'm just glad I don't have to "React" today, so I can leave the door open for reconciliation one day. Everyone who knows me is aware of my views. I'm very conservative fiscally, more open minded socially, yet extremely anti abortion. Notice I didn't say "pro life". I'm for the death penalty in some cases, but the slaughter of innocence that takes place in this country every day sickens me, and I'm sure turns God's head away from us. I have never and will never vote for someone who is pro choice. That's all I'll say about that. I do, however, have Democrats for friends, but they respect my views and I respect the fact that they are wrong. (Just kidding). The friend of ours that ended our friendship today did so because of what I said on Facebook about the President. I'm sure they are frustrated because they can't defend what he is doing. I felt the same way about George W Bush, but I didn't take it out on them. God Bless her. I wish her well.
Life is way too short for resentment or anger, although I'm having to pray hard for a very close relative of mine. He suffers from what I used to. An extreme case of selfish-selfcentered-itis. I pray his heart is softened because another of my family is hurting because of him. It's a situation that has nothing to do with me so I'm staying out of it, but I'm praying. With God, all things are possible. I'm living proof!
We should get Becka's results back tomorrow. I'll post them as soon as I can. God Bless and thanks for everything, REALLY! We love you all! My gorgeous wife is doing great today, and today is all that matters. One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you!
Good night!