It's Monday night, March 4, 2013. Today was a big day for me. I believe that I turned a corner, even though I dreaded this day. I am grateful for the peace I have in my heart tonight. I think it had to do with some closure. They placed Becka's headstone today, and when they called me, a terrible feeling of dread came over me and stayed with me until I got to the cemetery. I came home and picked up Autumn, Andrew, and Dillon Lahaie, and we all went together. I must say it was very emotional, especially watching Autumn bend down and arrange the flowers on her mother's grave. A bunch of memories flooded me, and we all started talking about their Mom. I think we needed it, and God knew it. That sense of dread left me, just like when she left us. I have prayed for peace, and God has given me much more than that.
For me this was about the end of the journey for now. Looking at the headstone made it very real, and complete. I want to thank all of you for going on this journey with me. I may start writing again, but it will be on a different blog. This is the last post. I love you and God Bless you. I won't forget how you carried me to where I am today.
Randy Patton