Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 201

It's Saturday night and we are winding down for the night. We are watching the third season of "24". We are kind of addicted to this show. It's been a good day. I had to work this morning for a while, then I came home and we went to the pool. Overall it was a very good day. Now we are going to call it a night. Becka is still having a lot of problems with pain. Whether it was the chemotherapy or the cancer, she took a beating. I know she will recover because she's tough as nails and she's a fighter, plus we are all behind her. We are going to see this through, until enough is enough and she's completely well.

God is good, and no matter how I feel from now on, I'm going to be grateful. My feelings and emotions have been playing with my head, but I know what to do to change that. It's what I do, that changes how I feel.

I'm so very grateful to all of you. We received a blessing this week, and to our benefactors, God Bless you and thank you so much. You will never know what it means to us, because I can't express it in words.

Good night and sweet dreams! Becka's MRI is Wednesday, and then we get the results back on Thursday. Please pray for good results!