It's Tuesday night and we are cooling our jets. I've been running all day, but it's been a good day. I got a lot accomplished. Becka met my boss and me for lunch today after she had her Aridia treatment. Now she has a full month's reprieve from everything! She only gets Aridia once a month, but she will probably have to get it for the rest of her life, which means she will leave her port in. She had talked about having the port in her chest taken out, but if she needs the treatment from now on, she will leave it in. It's very useful since it directs the medicine directly to her blood stream.
I think about where she is and the condition she's in tonight and the only word that comes to mind is miraculous. God is truly good and loves us so much. It won't be long at all before she's growing hair. She's still in some pain and she can't seem to get comfortable, but that will pass, soon we hope. I'm SO ready for her to feel normal again!
My eyes have been hurting me all day and I'm getting dizzy. Everyone around me has the flu. My father has been sick for a week and so has my stepfather. I pray I'm not getting what they have had. I think I'm just exhausted. Everything is done, so all I need to do is make the coffee for in the morning and I'm going to bed. Good night and God Bless as always! Same time tomorrow!